Saturday, January 07, 2006

From : Jake Laing / Subject : i like ur site but few adjustments hey, i read ur description and its full of shit. i aint emo but i kno wat it is. ur a fashion queer from a gay design school, true emo isnt a fashion and the part how emos were reeboks and sauchony? wat the hell is up with that, just coz they dont wear pink shirts and make a living out of bagging other people doesnt make them lame. u need a life if u worry that much about others thay ur devoting ur fashion skills/lack of, to a website bagging people for being themselves. have u ever met a true emo or just simple plan teeny bopping lame teenagers who wear tight jeans and comb their hair and think they are emo? quit kidding urself? at least they r living their life how they want to and aint gonna stop coz some lame 24 year fashion fag thinks they are a "joke". the only joke is you sitting at ur computer and creating the worst excuse for a website, i bet u only dont like them coz they aint fashionable, true emo's are emo for a reason and dont always live a good life. theres my hate mail, i dislike emo and definetly aint into it, but ignorant self-pleasing over critical hypocritcal fashion losers like ur self frankly need a life. just use ur (lame) but worked towards skills to a worthwhile purpose. and by few i mean delete ur site


At 1/07/2006 09:46:05 AM, magoo said...

quit kidding urself?

i like it?

At 1/07/2006 11:04:49 AM, brett said...

ignorant self-pleasing over critical hypocritcal


At 1/07/2006 09:21:09 PM, Anonymous said...

my god

At 1/08/2006 12:10:32 PM, alex said...

"true emo's are emo for a reason and dont always live a good life."

I think that was all I needed to read.

At 1/08/2006 03:37:22 PM, Anonymous said...


At 1/08/2006 05:33:52 PM, A l e x said...

ooooh, snap. that's harsh. nothing like biting, witty critiques to bring one's self-esteem crashing down.

At 1/08/2006 05:50:49 PM, jonathan said...

true emo's?

At 1/08/2006 07:42:52 PM, Anonymous said...

emo's want attention so they make themselves look like fools for that.

At 1/08/2006 08:49:34 PM, Kaila said...

Why is it that most "emo" kids have horrid english skills? Is it really all that hard to type out the words "you", "because", "your", "are", and so on (seeing how I am much too lazy to nit pick even more)? I'm pretty sure they've been schooled in the basics, if not the more intricate rules of their most likely native tongue. To avoid going into rant mode, I'm not even going to start on the topic of grammar.

It is the teenagers who act like that which give teenagers as a whole such a bad reputation. Contrary to popular belief, one can avoid drugs/alcohol/suicide attempts while still having a life, with the added bonus of half the drama! I don't know, maybe it is just an immigrant thing. (Kaila = immigrant, for the nonplussed.)

At 1/09/2006 10:38:35 PM, Doug Moquet said...

I'd hate to be that kid's parents.

At 1/10/2006 12:19:44 AM, brad eshbach said...

"comb their hair and think they are emo"

ao if you comb your hair, you are emo?

At 1/10/2006 11:55:00 AM, Anonymous said...

jesus fucking christ.

Maybe if that idiot spent more time on education and learning to spell instead of writing his bitch letter, we would all live in a better world

At 1/10/2006 06:27:00 PM, Anonymous said...

when did "emos" become the term for wretches like this?

At 1/10/2006 07:53:28 PM, Anonymous said...

you had to have made this up...

the least he could do is "ur = your"

At 1/10/2006 08:34:11 PM, - Manda said...

when did risd become "a gay design school"?? last i heard, it was the ivy league of design school.

or i'm just a snob that grew up here

At 1/10/2006 08:35:50 PM, briandavid said...

hahaha...I don't get how people get offended from this! haha, it's just fun anyways. Those fuckin' kids suck anyway...Glad you post these so we can all laugh at how retarted they are. You rule man.

At 1/10/2006 09:36:39 PM, Anonymous said...

haha, these never get old.

At 1/12/2006 03:07:37 PM, Aaron said...

I really like to know when exactly the term "emo" became a noun.

At 1/13/2006 07:11:30 AM, imogen said...

if this person isn't "emo" why are they so bothered about you besmirching the precious reputation of the "emo culture"? also i would like to point out to all these people that
a)"queer" isn't an insult
b)it is practically a requirement that emos must be "queer"

At 1/20/2006 12:21:54 AM, Anonymous said...

a gay design school?
a lot more respect should be shown toward that school.

At 1/30/2006 03:19:48 PM, Anonymous said...

Wow.I must say, it is pretty pitiful that anybody wastes their time commenting this crap. Hey, good job, you guys can "insult" someone. Get the fuck over yourselves. Either that, or get a fucking life, besides shit like this. It's pitiful, really, that making idiotic comments on somebody's hatemail makes you feel like you're funny. Good job on that one, assholes.

At 2/10/2006 01:14:39 AM, Anonymous said...

haha he said "true emo"

At 3/22/2006 07:04:16 PM, Anonymous said...

can i have his email?


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